In order to discharge its fiduciary duties, the Board of Trustees has approved this Securities Litigation Policy (the “Policy”) because of the need for ongoing monitoring of cases and consideration of the role, if any, the West Virginia Investment Management Board (“WVIMB”) should take in securities fraud and class action matters. The Policy sets forth the roles, responsibilities, processes and evaluative criteria that the Legal and Legislative Committee will use, on behalf of the WVIMB, to analyze and manage securities litigation matters. Specifically, this Policy delegates certain authority to the Legal and Legislative Committee in regard to class action litigation brought under the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and other applicable federal and state law, or similar proceedings in foreign jurisdictions. This Policy is intended to delegate only that authority set forth herein to the Legal and Legislative Committee. The Legal and Legislative Committee Charter continues to govern the authority and responsibilities of the Legal and Legislative Committee with respect to other matters.
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