Who We Serve

The West Virginia Investment Management Board is the entity responsible for the long-term investments of the State of West Virginia. The vast majority of the assets that the WVIMB manages consists of the State’s defined benefit retirement plans. The remaining assets that the WVIMB invests are State and local government funds such as insurance and risk pool funds, endowment funds, municipal pensions and trust funds. Each of these entities is referred to as a Participant Plan.
The West Virginia Investment Management Board invests the assets of the following entities:
Defined Benefit Plans
- Deputy Sheriff’s Retirement System*
- Emergency Medical Services Retirement System*
- Judges’ Retirement System*
- Municipal Police Officers’ and Firefighters’ Retirement System
- Natural Resources Police Officer Retirement System
- Public Employees’ Retirement System*
- State Police Death, Disability and Retirement Fund*
- State Police Retirement System*
- Teachers’ Retirement System*
- Municipal Policemen’s or Firemen’s Pension and Relief Funds
- City of Charleston
- City of Chester
- City of Point Pleasant
- City of Wheeling
- City of Williamson
- Town of Belle
Insurance Plans
- Board of Risk and Insurance Management
- Coal Workers’ Pneumoconiosis Fund*
- Public Employees Insurance Agency
- West Virginia Retiree Health Benefit Trust
- Workers’ Compensation Old Fund*
- Workers’ Compensation Self-Insured Guaranty Risk Pool*
- Workers’ Compensation Self-Insured Security Risk Pool*
- Workers’ Compensation Uninsured Employers’ Fund*
Endowment / Trust Funds
- West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection Agency
- West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection Trust
- West Virginia State Parks and Recreation Endowment Fund
- Wildlife Endowment Fund
- Berkeley County Development Authority
- Revenue Shortfall Reserve Fund
- Revenue Shortfall Reserve Fund – Part B
*Statutory representation provided by West Virginia Investment Management Act, see Statutory Plan Representation page for more information.