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The Board operates with a committee structure. The Chairman of the Board appoints the committee members and the chair of each committee. The standing committees consist of: Investment Committee, Legal and Legislative Committee, Personnel Committee, Audit Committee and Governance Committee. Generally, committees are working bodies that vet recommendations of staff and consultants prior to presentation to the full Board. Each committee has a “charter” outlining the responsibility and authority of the committee.

WVIMB Voting Procedures


Audit Committee

Steven Smith, Chair
Patrick Bond
John McCuskey
Jack Rossi
Randall Snider

Governance Committee

Randall Snider, Chair
Georgette Rashid George
Mike Hall
Charles Houck
Jack Rossi

Investment Committee

Marie Prezioso, Chair
Mike Hall, Vice-Chair
Georgette Rashid George
Charles Houck
Jim Justice
Riley Moore
Byrd White

Legal & Legislative Committee

Kurt Dettinger, Chair
Mike Hall
John McCuskey
Riley Moore
Marie Prezioso

Personnel Committee

Jack Rossi, Chair
Patrick Bond
Jim Justice
Marie Prezioso
Randall Snider
Byrd White


Audit Committee Charter
Personnel Committee Charter
Governance Committee Charter
Investment Committee Charter
Legal & Legislative Committee Charter