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Alternative Investments Committees

The primary objective of each of three alternative investment committees, the Hedge Fund Committee, the Private Equity Committee and the Real Estate Committee, is to implement the strategic plan approved by the Board of Trustees for hedge funds, private equity, and real estate. Each committee is comprised of three Board of Trustees members and three Staff members. The Board of Trustees delegated decision-making to these committees due to the need to act quickly to enter and exit this type of investment vehicle.

Alternative Investment Committee Procedural Rules


Hedge Fund Committee

Georgette Rashid George, Chair
Kurt Dettinger
Mike Hall
Melissa Petit
Tom Sauvageot
Craig Slaughter

Private Equity Committee

Steve Smith, Chair
Patrick Bond
Melissa Petit
Trent Gregory
Larry Pack
Craig Slaughter

Real Estate Committee

Craig Slaughter, Chair
Jim Herrington
Charles Houck
Mark Hunt
Melissa Petit
Steven Smith